Monday, April 25, 2011

Made it! Monday 4/25/11

A while back I decided to start writing/illustrating a Children's book. My initial idea was for it to be a book for kids around second/third grade. Second grade is when I remember really getting into books. My teacher made us read this book called Mr. Poppers Penguins.

I loved this book, and started reading other books around the same level, like Charlotte's Web, and a bunch of Roald Dahl books. Learning to read at a fairly early age really catered to my already overactive imagination, and I became an avid reader. Looking back, it really isn't surprising that I was into reading. My oldest brother, Jim, was (and still is) a heavy reader. My other brother is a reader, too, now that I think of it, but not quite like Jim. He introduced me to some of my favorite books. I remember him reading The Chronicles of Narnia before I could read, and I made him read it to me. When Lucy found her way into Narnia through the wardrobe, I felt like I had found my way into a new world, as well.

It was about the time I started reading books, that I also started writing books. I would write stories about lions and princesses during church on the back of prayer cards, and then make books by folding some papers in half and stapling them. I'd write really simple lines, like: "Then the dog ate the apple", and then draw a happy dog next to an apple core above the words. I once was able to ride in a small plane with my Cousin from Italy, one of my great uncle's was the pilot. I wrote a little book about it, and I think my mom still has it somewhere. I wrote books about my family and the vacations we went on. In Jr. High I took some classes during winter break. One was a silly acting class, the other a class on writing children's books. I think I wrote a story about some forest creatures. As elaborate as my silly stories became, there was never any planning involved. Flash forward to today, it seems like planning is all I do.

I decided to develop some characters a couple years ago, and the above owl and bird are two of the characters I came up with. I was thinking the story could be about a very smart owl who learns to be wise. Each other character would teach him something about wisdom. I got pretty far, but forgot about it after I moved to Orange County for a year. While cleaning my room, I stumbled across a few pages illustrations, and fell back in love with the silly owl that I named "Archibald". I don't think I'll ever try and publish this story if I ever finish it, but it's still fun to do. I'll do anything to use the right side of my brain.

Speaking of my niece and nephew, here are a few pictures of them (and others) from Easter and Fairytale Town:

 Jonah went down this slide about a billion times. I suppose I don't blame him, it's a pretty sweet slide.

I don't know why, but I love this picture of us.

 I made my dad take this cheesy picture of me being cheesy by the giant cheese thing.

 I mean, honestly. What in the world. This is too much cute.

Here is my oldest brother, Jim, the one that used to read to me.

 My cousin, Samantha, hiding eggs.

My grandma and grandpas chickens. The little black and white one is my favorite.

Katie being all precious and stuff.

I steal aloe from my grandmas plant. 

Katie and Jonah outside the little playhouse my grandpa made.


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