Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am not a professional thrifter. I have friends that can run into a Goodwill store and leave with a new wardrobe for ten dollars. I'm not that good, but over the past few (okay, several) years I have found some gems that are worth much more than the pennies I paid.

Exhibit A
The boots to the left are Town & Country, circa I don't know when. They are the perfect "cowboy boots" that don't look like a costume.  I got them at the Goodwill in San Luis Obispo, CA for five dollars. The booties to the right were about eight dollars (a bit high for a thrift store). They are some no-name brand, made in Brazil, from some thrift store in Orange County... I can't remember the name.

On to Exhibit B

Pardon the cat face. This blazer and striped tee are from Woodland, CA. The jacket was $1.75, and the shirt was $0.75. Add skinny jeans, a red belt, heels, and a top knot, and you get grade A hipster-wear. Suck it, Urban Outfitters!

Exhibit C is less hipster, more sexy grandma.

Man, I wish you could see this baby sparkle. It's so much fun to wear. The beaded fringe really finishes off the whole "look-at-me-or-else" vibe. I think this sweater was $2.95

This is a picture of my dog, Merlin. But, it's also a picture of a thrift find. You see that lace on the arm of the sofa? That is actually a lace blouse I got for a couple bucks. It's super comfy, and looks really nice under pretty much any jacket or cardigan. Mostly, I just wanted to post a picture of my dog, because he is the presh.

Lastly,  (I lost track of what "exhibit" we were on) here is a necklace I found at an antique shop in Montana. It has matching earrings, and I love it. I can't remember how much I paid for it, though. As a bonus, you can see one of my baby pictures in the background. Wook at dat widdle facey wacey.

Do you have any noteworthy thrift finds? Perhaps you have a blog dedicated to thrifting? Share it in the comment section! Do it!

Good evening, fine folks!

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