Friday, May 20, 2011

Fabricated it Friday! (Made it.) 5/20/2011

Feminine, mechanical voice, we clearly heard.
From up on the roof, or a tree, as if it were a bird,
We couldn't move, couldn't speak, no not a word.
Could this really be happening, so calm, so absurd.

But if we run as fast as fawns, follow the green
Underneath the canopy, they'll be waiting for us, to leave.

Some sort of controlled hysteria, all around
As the waves hit the rocks like porcelain hits the ground.
Oh I can't help but cry just thinking about the sound
As the trees hit the grass like porcelain.

And then just as we had planned, in the shade of our tree
We watched the earth, it crumbled beneath... you and I

And like a drop of milk in my tea, I traveled through the air like ribbons, floating away from me.

Everyone thinks their dreams are weird, but I'm pretty sure if everyone's dreams were as vivid and bizarre as mine, we would all be talking about our dreams more often.

My dreams terrify me. They are never fun, and certainly never sexy.  They are 90% comprised of end of the world scenarios, being drugged, and almost always end with my body disintegrating into nothing and everything at the same time. I can't tell you the number of times I've slipped back into a sweaty and frantic consciousness, relieved that I was no longer a cloud of suspended atoms.

Nobody wants to hear about my dreams, and I don't blame them. Dreams are like funny stories that are only funny because you were there. You can't recreate them for other people. If you absolutely must share your dreams with somebody, I suggest starting a dream journal, or make a folder on your desktop entitled "unwanted nighttime disturbances" and fill it with your dreams in the form of poorly recorded songs. That's pretty much what I do.

This next bit, where I talk about my dream, is mainly for myself. If you don't read it, I won't be offended.

So, in this dream I am in some underground apartment building with people I am assuming are my friends, although I don't recognize any of them. This recorded lady voice keeps blaring over the loudspeakers that are apparently everywhere. She's saying "The earth is now 22% covered. Please make your final preparations." Every time she spoke the percentage got a bit higher.
I'm not sure what was meant by "final preparations", but I felt an intense need to be around people I love, like my family and good friends.

In order to get to them, I had to navigate through this strange labyrinth of electric sky blue tunnels, till I reached the surface. I saw that some weird white powdery substance was falling from the sky, the color of baby powder, but the consistency of ash. I looked off a cliff at the ocean, and the water was eroding the rocks quickly, turning the sea into some sort of thin concrete, or paper mache. It was disgusting. I then asked for directions from some middle-aged lady who was sobbing into a pile of papers. She told me I had to run down these steps towards the ocean and take the bus to where my parents lived. I did. As I ran towards the steps, I had to pass some trees. I realized that the undersides of every tree and bush was still green and unaffected by the white powder rain. I wondered if that counted as a percentage of the earth. Some kids were playing soccer and laughing while their mothers were frantically calling for them to come home.

Finally I made it to the bus where we drove through all kinds of mayhem. Everyone on the bus was at the edge of their seat, anxious to meet up with whoever they were traveling to see. I made it to the right stop, and after a quick sprint across a rocky field, I found my parents house on top of a rather large hill. We could see into a valley that was almost completely covered in white. We didn't talk, it was just good that we were all together, I guess. We took shelter under a tree and waited. I was studying everyone's face.

Then the earth was apparently 100% covered, and whatever was supposed to happen started happening. The ground started to shatter and pull apart, like paint drying on a wax surface, then everything started dissipating into some weird swirly patterns. Our bodies were no exception. Slowly I watched as my legs and arms turned to gas and swirled away until I could see myself as a floating and swirling cloud. Then everything faded and I woke up. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011


My mom made this awesome chicken dinner.
I don't know how she did it, but it involves a pack of those heirloom tomatoes from TJ's, and frozen peppers and onions. 
She also let me take a quick snap with her iphone, so I could share a quick picture with you fine people.